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T. E Doyle, M. Kalsi, B. Aiyush, J. Yousuf, and O. Waseem (2009)

Non-invasive health monitoring system (NIHMS)

In: 2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH), IEEE.

As the population ages, there is a greater need to develop clinical and personal diagnostic tools. As wait times for medical attention increases, the automation of non-invasively collecting patient vitals could significantly improve the efficiency of modern health care. Combine the collection of these vitals with a system that can present a summary of possible diagnostic conclusions and the time spent in a waiting room can be better utilized to aid both the patient and the medical professional. This system measures the electro-ocular movement, temperature, blood oxygen saturation, arterial blood pressure, heart rate variability, and breathing rate. The measurements are combined using an embedded microcontroller that is wirelessly linked to a base station processor via Bluetooth. The system components are presented and their efficacy discussed, along with suggested enhancements.

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